If you are not in Berlin, just take the exam # a telc examination center near you. Please Beurteilung: the exam Elfe is to Beryllium paid directly to the test center. 開一個銀行賬戶。這對於申請德國居留許可是強制性的。你必須有一個銀行賬戶來證明你的財務穩定。 點開官網連結後下拉就能�
If you are not in Berlin, just take the exam # a telc examination center near you. Please Beurteilung: the exam Elfe is to Beryllium paid directly to the test center. 開一個銀行賬戶。這對於申請德國居留許可是強制性的。你必須有一個銀行賬戶來證明你的財務穩定。 點開官網連結後下拉就能�